In Solidarity Virtual Exhibition

Throughout the world we are calling for justice. Since western contact Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) have experienced systemic colonialism resulting in racism, loss of land, violence and the severing of cultural ways of being. In Alaska, movements such as Black Lives Matter, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Womxn and Girls, Just Transition and Defend the Sacred are addressing these issues through education, visibility, policy change and understanding. Throughout the month of August, Alaska Pacific University Galleries, NPA Community Fund and Native Movement are amplifying the work of BIPOC individuals through a virtual exhibition. We are expanding our perception of the “exhibit” while in times we cannot gather. In addition to the virtual First Friday exhibit at APU, Native Peoples Action and Native Movement hosted a two-hour First Friday Zoom event featuring discussion with artists, live music, call-to-action and discussion panel from movement leaders. Video above.

Hosted by Native Peoples Action Community Fund, Native Movement and Alaska Pacific University Galleries. Curator Melissa Shaginoff and Guest Curator Rochelle Adams.

Art Submissions

Holly Mitiquq Nordlum 
Pandemic Processing 2020
Pen & pencil on paper

Sarah Whalen-Lunn
Solidarity – Defend the Scared means all of us, Indigenous solidarity with Black Lives Matter 2020
Digital drawing
@inkstitcher Instagram 

Apay’uq Moore 
Defend the Feeding Grounds 2020 Digital drawing


Lisa Wade 
Udzih Dzaen 2020
Acrylic on canvas
@daisychickaloon Instagram


Princess Daazhraii Johnson
We are more than an Object, a Mascot 2020
@daazhraii Instagram


Amber Webb 
The Spirit of Racism 2020
Ink on wood
@imarpikink Instagram


Amber Webb 
Praying for Systemic Change 2020
Ink on wood
@imarpikink Instagram


Amber Webb 
2020 Ink on wood
@imarpikink Instagram


Su Chon 
Bait 2019
Ink on paper
@chon_su Instagram


Su Chon 
Mindless 2019
Ink on paper @chon_su Instagram


Su Chon 
Beauty is a feeling 2019
Ink and watercolor on paper
@chon_su Instagram


Kari Shaginoff 
Salmon Power, No Waste Earrings 2020
Salmon skin, moosehide, beads, dentalium, abalone @natletsi Instagram

“I made these earrings during the first hunker down pandemic period. The red color reminded me of power for the upcoming salmon season and the no waste means we use all parts of the salmon and we have no waste when harvesting salmon. I tanned the salmon and work on moosehide. This beadwork reminds me of keeping inspired with our natural surroundings that have sustained us for many many years.” 


Daniel Firmin
Decolonizer 2019
Copper with a baleen and sinew hair pin @dfirmin Instagram
Photos by Annie Bartholomew 


Daniel Firmin 
2019 Silver bracelet
@dfirmin Instagram



Sharon Ennis 
Owášteya (Feeling Good) 2020
Ink on paper @sharonwho

“The Lakhótayapi series is an ongoing exploration of learning my language as a beginner. Although a few relatives speak it, I am not fluent yet. The series of flash cards was initially a way to help me remember words and has become a way to explore the dictionary for pleasure and to learn interesting ideas through the language. It has also given me insight to the ways I already think like a Lakhóta speaker — despite having grown up as an English speaker. Lakhótayapi is transformational and empowering, because it defies the false idea that our culture can be “lost.” Now I believe Lakhótayapi has been with me all this time, and will continue to be with me.”


Joel Isaak 
Olga Ezi: Grandma Olga, Native Village of Eklutna, Anchorage, AK 2018
Bronze multi-sculpture installation portraying a Dena’ina fish camp

Linda Infante Lyons 
A Bear’s Blessing 2019
Oil on panel
@infantelyons_artist Instagram


Linda Infante Lyons 
Anipa, the Snowy Owl 2019
Oil on panel
@infantelyons_artist Instagram


Linda Infante Lyons 
Wiinarpak’s Prayer 2019 
Oil on panel
@infantelyons_artist Instagram


Unignax, Dustin Newman
No more stolen sisters 2020 @unignax112 Instagram


Unignax, Dustin Newman
Not defined by blood quantum 2019
CIB and ink
@unignax112 Instagram


Unignax, Dustin Newman
Skin sewer’s work 2019
1950’s Kotzebue area receipt and ink @unignax112 Instagram


Unignax, Dustin Newman
Looking to the next generation 2019 1950’s Kotzebue area receipt and ink @unignax112 


Unignax, Dustin Newman
Feather for prayer 2020
Digital drawing @unignax112 Instagram



Rochelle Adams 
Łuk’choo, keep the Yukon river clean 2020 Salmon skin, hide, beads @gwinzii Instagram



Bobby Itta 
Atikluk for Nancy 2019
Lace fabric, and red cotton thread
Photos by: Yves Brower 
“I made this atikluk in honor of my younger sister Nancy R. Brower, who was murdered 17 years ago.”

Joseph Senungetuk 
The Shaman Beckons



Martha Hoover-Senungetuk



Ruth Miller 
Lightbringer 2020
Glass beads, tanned moosehide, silver chain
@frompeaksnpinetrees Instagram



Ruth Miller 
Endi’ina nał ch’indaqna? (Where are our relatives?) 2019
Assorted Beads, mirror, tanned moosehide, satin, and velvet @frompeaksnpinetrees Instagram



Ruth Miller 
Dghelishla / Sleeping Lady 2019
Glass beads and tanned moose hide, parachute cord
@frompeaksnpinetrees Instagram



Ruth Miller 
Katie 2013
Pencil on paper
@frompeaksnpinetrees Instagram



Ruth Miller 
Nan 2019
Pencil on paper, cotton fabric, coffee, printed photo paper @frompeaksnpinetrees Instagram



Cordelia Kellie 



Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart 
Udzih Nene’
@taltsiine_songe Instagram



Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart 
@taltsiine_songe Instagram



Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart 
Sgulak Ce’yiits’
@taltsiine_songe Instagram